Nice looking Blues Jr.
1) the panel isn't shiny
2) I have way too much stuff,
3) I badly need the space.
Started with a low price, but a little noise I heard seemed to be caused by my not having fully inserted a couple of tubes when I cleaned the amp and re-installed it; but I'm not absolutely certain about that; so I've cut the price way down and it is possible it would need a new tube.
Sounds real good and the cabinet, speaker, and reverb are in real good shape; I love the sound of a Blues Jr.
, but I now have a GREAT custom-boutique,10 watt Allen amp, and I almost always play at home (still have a 2nd old box with another Blues Jr.
that I'm keeping if I ever get to play out).
No trades please, and the price is FIRM (don't ask), I already have too much stuff in my new little home!
I come to Seattle from time-to-time and could possibly deal with you there.
Be in touch, sorry if I'm slow, been real busy.