yourdomain > Olympia > farm/garden > Light Brahma Straight Run Chicks - $5 (Chehalis)

Light Brahma Straight Run Chicks - $5 (Chehalis)

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Posted : Thursday, May 30, 2024 02:05 PM

3 light brahma straight run chicks available, $5 each.
Minimum purchase $12.
I also currently have: - 3: straight run white leghorn: $3 each Known for being excellent layers and foragers - 14: straight run marans: $3 each Known for being good layers of dark brown eggs - 3: light Brahma, straight run, $5 each - 7: splash laced red wyandotte, $3 each Beautiful feathers, dual purpose - 22: straight run Heritage Rhode Island Red: $3 each My best layers, deep red plumage - 5: bielefelder pullets (female) $6 each - 7: bielefelder cockerels, $1 each - 5: straight run Speckled Sussex: $3 each - 3: straight run Polish: $3 each Black with white crest, golden laced, tolbunt.
My adult birds are a variety of colors (mottled, blue, black with white crest, solid black, golden laced, buff laced, silver laced and tolbunt).
Chicks can hatch satin or frizzle.
- Sold but will have more hatching: legbar pullet (hen cream crested legbar, rooster opal legbar, hatched from a blue egg): $6 - 4 cream crested legbar cockerels: $1 each Hatched from blue eggs - 18: straight run bantam Cochin, $3 each (blue, black, birchen) I separate my adult birds by breed.
To see pictures and other breeds available later in the season: www.
I don't take pictures of the new chicks that hatch every day but have posted a couple pictures of parent stock to the ad.
When we meet, I can take all available for you to choose from.
Chicks are not vaccinated.
I can meet at the Chehalis Walgreens off I-5 Exit 79.
Please text or email using an account that is not google mail (my replies to google mail are usually returned undeliverable.
) Baby chicks are delicate.
Please make sure you have a brooder set up before purchasing: https://homesteadandchill.
com/set-up-chick-brooder-temperature-supplies/ Reach out if you have a broody hen who needs day-old chicks.
Right now, you would need to be open to whatever chicks hatch in a 2-day window as I have small hatches of a subset of breeds available.
You have to give her brand new chicks for an adoption to be successful.
While 90% of the time, a broody hen will successfully adopt chicks, make sure to have a back-up plan.
Let her be broody for a week or two before you give her chicks, to make sure she is truly committed.
See the bottom of this website for tips: https://nwedible.
com/will-a-broody-hen-adopt-chicks/ What to do with unwanted roosters when you buy straight run? I usually keep two roosters per breed when possible.
I sell others on craigslist to varied success.
I take the remainder to the Coal Creek Poultry Auction (https://www.

• Phone : NA

• Location : Adna,WA

• Post ID: 9155413602

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